Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts

  • Does anyone keep a diary anymore?  Like a real, honest-to-God, paper-and-pen diary, not a blog or even a Scrapbook.  (I say that with a capital S because it differntiates between buying fancy stickers to decorate and simply putting scraps into a notebook for your grandchildren to remember.)  I ask because, Nicholas bought me Moleskine notebooks for Christmas after my mom recommended I keep a diary of our first year living together, something she regretted not doing.  But they just sit on my desk with all my pretty pens and other notebooks.  I have a problem with being authentic in a diary.  I've always had this problem, where I don't want to be embarrassed if anyone, including myself, reads it at a later date, so I tend to skip over anything that may not be hunky-dory--depression, angst, worrying worrying worrying--and instead just say "We had such a great walk today!  Here is a picture of a flower!" or something similarly benign.  Does anyone else have this problem?  Am I a crazy person?
  • I realized today my favorite things are cherry: cherry limeade, Cherry 7Up, cherry-dipped cones.  I blame the red hair.
  • Nicholas started work this week and I have turned into a working housewife, leaving before 7 AM (or even 6:30 AM sometimes) and getting home in time to make dinner and do laundry before he gets home.  What have I become?
  • When you have a really good idea for a business name, but know you won't have the resources to open said business for 2-3 years, when is too early to register the name so no one else steals it?
  • Letterpress business cards are expensive.  I wanna support the little people, but at nearly $1 per card, I gotta support this little person first.
  • I may join the 21st century soon and get an iPad.  Watch out world, Emily's on her way up!
  • I started buying clothes again.  I mean, it's only Target, but still, I haven't bought anything non-thrifted in months.  I must make sure it doesn't become an obsession though.
Hmm.  Some of these are more like Thursday's Questions instead.  What's on everyone's minds today?

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